Let’s Talk About The Gender Pay Gap!

Let’s Talk About The Gender Pay Gap!

Contido Nº 4.- A brecha salarial de xénero supera o 20% na hostalaría:
O emprego no sector turístico mellora aos poucos—medra máis o emprego fixo que o temporal e a xornada completa que a parcial— pero menos no caso das mulleres que dos homes. As traballadoras do sector perciben, de media, un 20% menos que os homes, mercé a que acumulan máis porcentaxe de traballo temporal e a tempo parcial.
Con todo iso, prodúcese unha brecha salarial por encima do 20%, é dicir, as mulleres cobran de media o 79,8% do salario medio dos homes. O soldo das mulleres que se dedican á hostalaría supón un 54% do salario medio en España, mentres que o dos traballadores do sector alcanza o 67%. O maior nivel de contratación a tempo parcial entre as mulleres está detrás desa diferenza.

Partindo desta análise, existen varios temas que se deben tratar para conseguir a igualdade plena: discriminación, laboral, diferencia salarial, liderado e referentes.

Let’s Talk About The Gender Pay Gap!

Women in Spain are still paid less than men. If we focus on the annual average gross earnings, the total losses amount to more than € 5000 a year for women. Due to the gap in male and female wages, women start working for free in Spain from October 17th.

Despite efforts by lawmakers to narrow the gap, equal payment is still far around the corner and remains across specific factors such as skills and qualifications, length of the contract, economic activity, working hours and age.

The European Parliament has published information on the gender pay gap throughout the EU. Women in the EU earn 15% less than men on average, despite more women completing higher education than men.

There are important differences among member states and, even though Spain ranks relatively well, there is room for improvement.

What can be done?

Worthy of special mention among the proposed measures to bridge the gender pay gap are the encouragement of transparency about pay and promotion, the fostering of remote working and the development of paternity leave and childcare. The most groundbreaking decision would be just to give all female employees a raise, but, are companies and society ready for that?

The FOL Department and the first-year students of CSA Dual would like to know your opinion on the matter. Send us your feedback!


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